Civil Services Mains Answer Writing Practice
1. The Union Cabinet has approved granting Classical Language status to Marathi, Pali, Prakrit, Assamese and Bengali Language. Do you know why Assamese language and four other languages have been recognized with the status of Classical Language?
For a language to be recognized as classical language, it must meet following criteria:
- High antiquity of (its) is early texts/recorded history over a period of 1500-2000 years.
- A body of ancient literature/texts, which is considered heritage by a generation of speakers
- Knowledge texts, especially prose texts in addition to poetry, epigraphical and inscriptional evidence
- The Classical Language and literature could be distinct from its current form or could be discontinuous with later form of its offshoots.
2.Do you think Marriage as a sacrament is losing its value in Modern India? ( UPSC CSE Mains 2023- GS Paper I)
Marriage in India is seen as a sacrament socially and legally recognized partnerships that steeps deep rooted into Indian religious and cultural values. However, the modern liberal values have impacted the Indian society and marriage values. The core values and essence of marriage in Modern India is impacted due to Westernization and Globalization.
Marriage is losing the sacramental value in Indian Society:
- Increasing Separation and Divorce Rates– The escalation of divorce rates has suggest a decline in sanctity of marriage. According to 2011 census 13.6 lakh individuals as being divorced, equivalent to 0.24% of the married population and 0.11% of the total population. The Separation rate according to 2011 census is almost treble the divorced population- 0.61% of the married population and 0.29% of the total population.
- Live in Relationships culture and individual autonomy-The influence of globalization and western culture can be strongly felt today in urban areas where unmarried couples live together without legal or religious sanction. The personal freedom leads to autonomous choices in partnerships challenging marriages through live in relationships.
- Growing Materialism– This has created a culture of competition, comparison that has affected the demands of marriage partners where they seek happiness and status through money.
- Economic independence– The growing of Woman Empowerment extends the choices beyond marriages where it challenges the patriarchy and reduced the sanctity of marriage.
- Casual Approach for Commitment– The popularity of dating Apps like Tinder, Aisle has indicated a change in youth approach where they foster an casual attitude towards commitment.
Marriage is still Preserved in Indian Society
- Social– In various parts of India the communities and Panchayats plays a vital role by emphasizing on the traditional pathways of Indian Marriage where they reinstate the age old traditions practices and encouraging adherence to the same. Also many influential families still hold grand and traditional marriages where it indicates a continuity of traditional matrimonial norms which is the backbone of Indian Marriages.
- Arranged Marriage– Many families emphasized the importance of arranged marriage where it is based on the powerful idea that loves comes after marriage. It also signalled the sustained preferences for alliances through familial networks.
- Religious-Marriage is still considered as a sacrosanct particularly in rural, town and various parts of India. For example- Places of religious importance like Tirumala are still sought after destinations for wedding.
- Psychological– Marriages reduces the isolation which is vital for addressing mental health challenges.
Way Ahead
- Education– Incorporating the relationship education into university curriculum can foster a generation where it will helps them to understand the complexities of relationships and respects the sanctity of marriage with knowledge and understanding.
- Counselling– Conducting workshops that hone essential skills such as financial planning, communication where it will aid couples in navigating the complexities of marital life and build a strong foundation for marriages. Some successful initiatives like “Parivarthan” in Bangalore can be a foundation for healthy marriages.
- Work Life Balance– Encouraging corporate policies can foster work like balance where it is seen in companies like Google, TCS, Infosys that aid individual work like balance personally as well as professionally and thus nurturing healthier marital relationships.
- Encouraging open conversations and respect for Individual choices.
While Marriage as a sacrament is evolving in Modern India with varying degrees of adherence to traditional norms but it is necessary to create a balanced approach. The forces of globalization and westernization have diluted the marriage as an institution in India. However, with strong measures such as education, counselling, respect for individual choices will foster a path for upcoming generations with respect for the old ones while embracing the new ones that will retain the sanctity and significance of marriage.
3.Explain the Structure of Parliamentary Committee System. How far have the financial committees helped in institutionalization of Indian Parliament? (UPSC CSE Mains 2023- GS Paper II)
Structure of Parliamentary System:
The functions of Indian Parliament are complex, voluminous and varied. Since it has neither adequate time not it has necessary expertise to scrutinize the legislative measures or any other matters. Therefore, it is necessary to form a committee for efficient measures and discharge of Parliamentary functions.
Broadly, the Parliamentary Committees are divided in to two parts:
- Standing Committee (It is permanent and worked on a continuous basis)
- Ad Hoc Committee (It is temporary and ceased to exist on completion of task)- It is divided into-Inquiry Committees and Advisory Committees.
The Standing Committees are further classified into six categories:
- Financial Committees- It have been further divided into-Public Accounts Committee, Estimates Committee and Committee on Public Undertakings.
- Department Standing Committees.
- Committees to Inquire-It have been further divided into – Committee on Petitions, Committee on Privileges, Ethics Committee.
- Committees to Scrutinise and Control-It have been further divided into parts-Committee on Government Assurances, Committee on Paper laid on the Table, Committee on Subordinate Legislation, Committee on Reservation of SCs and STs, Committee on Empower of Women, Joint Committee on Office of Profit.
- Committees relating day to day business of the House-It has been further divided into- Business Advisory Committee, Committee on private Member’s Bills and Resolutions, Rules Committee, Committee in Absence of Members.
- House Keeping Committees- It have been further divided into-General Purpose Committee, House Committee, Library Committee, Join Committee on Salary and Allowances of Members.
Role of Financial Committees that helped in institutionalization of Indian Parliament:
The Financial Committees being one of the valuable part of the Parliamentary Committee examines the annual audit Report of CAG, examines the estimates included in the Budget and even the examine the report and accounts of Public Undertakings. The Committees examines the public expenditure not only from legal and technical irregularities point of view but also from the view of economy, prudence, wisdom, sound business principles and prudent commercial practices.
The Financial Committee has been further divided into three parts:
Public Accounts Committee– It examines the annual report of CAG. It scrutinizes the appropriation accounts, financial accounts that have been laid before the Lok Sabha. Apart, from these it also examines accounts of State Corporations, Trading concerns, Manufacturing projects, Autonomous and Semi Autonomous Bodies that have been audited by CAG. It also examines the money spent on any service during a financial year in excess of amount granted by the Lok Sabha. Example – The Public Account Committee in 2015 report highlighted several concerns plaguing the defense shipyards segment, where no questions were asked in Lok Sabha.
Estimates Committee– This Committee examines the estimates included in the Budget. It also provides economy to the efficiency, improvements in the organisation and also to the administrative reforms consistent with the policy underlying the estimates that have been affected. Apart from these it also provides alternative policies in order to bring efficiency and economy of the administration. Example- The 35th Report of Estimates Committee has highlighted the Progress of Amrit Bharat Station Scheme.
Committee on Public Undertakings-It examines the reports and accounts of Public Undertakings. Also it examines whether the affairs of public undertakings are being managed in accordance with sound business principles and prudent commercial practices.
As a result they provides a framework for effective detailed, in depth, close and continuous scrutiny, accountability for prudential financial management. Their recommendations serve as valuable inputs for government policy formation as well as implementation.